Thursday, October 14, 2010

Books I Read in the Last Year

One year ago I started keeping track of every book I've read. Here is a list of all the books I've read in the last year:

Frankie's Place - Jim Sterba
Clash of Kings - George RR Martin
Broken Window - Jeffrey Deaver
Lost Symbol - Dan Brown
Fatherland - Robert Harris
Paris: 1919 - Margaret MacMillan
Pirate Latitudes - Michael Crichton
Lucifer's Hammer - Larry Niven
Fire - Sebastion Junger
The Book of Lies - Brad Meltzer
The Pirate King - RA Salvatore
Microserfs - Douglas Coupland
The Ghost King - RA Salvatore
Patriot Acts - Greg Rucka
Gentlemen of the Road - Michael Chabon
Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson
Darkness Falls - Kyle Mills
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
Peter & Max - Bill Willingham
Genius in the Design - Jake Morrissey
Speaker for the Dead - Orson Scott Card
The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Sleeping Doll - Jeffrey Deaver
Sanctuary - Raymond Khoury
The Burning Land - Bernard Cornwell
Cryptonomicon - Stephenson Neil
Star Wars: Dark Tide II - Micheal Stackpole
Sharpe's Eagle - Bernard Cornwell
A Storm of Swords - George RR Martin
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance - Sean Williams
The Camel Club - David Baldacci
Debt of Honor - Tom Clancy
Star Wars: Hero's Trial - James Luceno
The City and the City - China Mieville

That's 34 books in one year. Not too bad, but I wish I had time to read more.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Québec City

We have three days to spend in the city andso far the weather has been
perfect. It is sunny and 65 degrees.

The city is beautiful. It is nice to get a chance to practice my
meager French. It really does feel like we stepped into Europe. Awesome!

We don't have regular access to the internet, so I'm piggy backing off
of a hotel's wifi. Thank goodness for the iPhone.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Almost home

I'm sitting in 30th Street Station waiting for Pants to get here. My
flight to Philly was diverted to Baltimore thanks to the snow storm.
Pants's flight to Philly was much later than mine so by then the
runways were clear. He's sitting on the tarmac waiting to get off the
plane. Then he'll get the car and pick me up. Home is in sight. Now if
only they had trains to Reading then I wouldn't have to wait for him.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mega Con

It's Sunday at Mega Con and I'm still having a blast. The energy level
at this con is always through the roof and this year is no different.
I've never seen so many costumes in my life.

It's awesome!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Evening at Epcot

Thanks to a generous and hooked-up forum member we are able to enjoy
Thursday night at Epcot for free. It's my favorite Disney park so of
should be a good night.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Game Night

Settlers of Catan continues to be a popular choice in our gaming
group. Personally it's a favorite. I'm looking forward to getting the
last expansion.