Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Salt Lake City

We are waiting in the terminal for our flight to San Diego. Utah is
probably the most beautiful state. Too bad there are so many Mormons.
And moths!


Unknown said...

"Most beautiful state?"

Whoa...methinks you need to spend more time in Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, Colorado and, yes, California.

Johnny Jackhammer said...

I got stuck in the Salt Lake City airport in the mid-80s. Wouldn't have been so bad, if it wasn't in a dry county! I had to take a shuttle to buy a half-pint of Jim Beam, then you can go to a lounge in the airport where you have to buy a $5 glass of ice. Strange. . . is it still that way?

R.R. Werner said...

Hands down, Hawaii is the most beautiful state. Did you see a lot of kids in the airport? Do you still get to walk on the tarmac to the terminals?